Jumat, 28 November 2014

contoh proposal



A.    Background Of The Problem

Reading is one of the basic skill in foreign language. Reading is the ability  to get something from the text or the others media. According to Eddie C. Kennedy (05:1997) he says that” Reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form associate the form with a sound or meaning acquired in the past and the basic of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning”.[1] By mastered this skill reading we can make the increase our skill, imagination about something likes in the descriptive text. Reading including speech or speaking and writing. Besides that, reading can relation the other skill. The reading can make the benefit for the reader.
 Therefore, reading is really important, with read we can get information what we want and everything what we need. Besides that, with reading we can know the other country in the world although we never visit it.
Reading text have many kind, likes: narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, report text, and prosedur text. But, in the thesis only discussing about descriptive text. Arief kurniawan (22:2007) states that “ Descriptive text is the text which contents to describing someone or something with spesifik and have purpose to give information.” [2] generic structure in descriptive text. (1) identification is to identify about to the topic describe, likes things, animals or peoples. (2) description is explain to identification. Descriptive text often to use “be” in present or past. And the also often use simple present tenses. so, we can use the descriptive text to the student. Because, with descriptive text can make the student be anxiuous to read so that can make imajination about something in the text until make student interest to read.
The students in generally find it difficult to reading descriptive text,one of thing that is the students lazy to read because their not interest for what they want to read. And the student do not understand to make differences descriptive text with the another kinds of text in reading. As also happens in English Department VB STAIN Kerinci. Most the student is lazy and not to interest about they read. And not understand what is descriptive and what the differences with another kinds in reading text likes narrative or report.
Based on my grand tour that in English Department VB STAIN Kerinci, the average difficulties in reading descriptive text and not interest to read . based on my grand tour the student got A 25 % , B 30% , C 45%. Meanwhile, we can use imaging strategie in reading descriptive text. Because, with imaging strategies the student can be easy to understand ,that the descriptive text also relation with the imaging strategies. So, if we describe about something likes animal or people,of course we will imaging what the other people describe. 
Therefore, we have to need something interest to make the reader want reading and make the student understand in reading descriptive text. So, the reseach will be focused on “THE  EFFECT OF USING IMAGING TO IMPROVING THE STUDENTS IN READING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT THE ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT VB KERINCI ACADEMIC YEARS of 2013/2014”
B.     Identification Of Problem
Based on the interview results, the researcher identified the problem. First, The student had problems in the reading text because they are lazy to read. They felt the reading text not interesting to read. Second, the student not understand to differences the descriptive text and the others likes, narrative and repot text.
On the other hand, we will use the imaging strategy to make the students understand it.
C.    Limitation Of problem
The research is limited to investigate the effect of using imaging to improving the student in reading descriptive text.
            The research used 25 students and focused on explanation about descriptive text and how to the student can understand with used that strategy.
D.    Research Question.
·         Does the descriptive text can make the student to interesting to read?
·         Does the imaging give better effect on the student? 
E.     Purpose Of The Research
·         To know whether the descriptive text can make the students to interestinf to read.
·         To find out whether Imaging Strategy give better effect on the students.
F.     Significance of Research
After conducting this research, the writer expected that it would be give contributions to the reader, the teacher, and the students where it was done.
1.      The reader will have new perspective on the topic and will consider it for continuing study.
2.      The teacher will have some information about their students and their teaching strategies. The teacher know the strengt and the weakness of the students in the reading text. So they will implement the strategy with their students.
3.      This study will be useful to the student to give information about descriptive text.
G.    Definition of Key Term
1.      Descriptive text is the genre of the text which to describing something and have purpose to give information.
2.      Imaging strategy is the one of the strategy in reading which have the relation with descriptive text to make the reader to know something naturally.

·         Webster, Teaching Reading Descriptive Text to Improve Student’s Reading Skill trough E-book on Internet,february 3th 2011, http://universityofibnkhaldunbogor-indonesia.blogspot.com, replicied on december 25th 2013
Webster,ayat alqur’an dan terjemah, august,2011, http://www.ayatalquran.net, replicied on december,26th 201
    Kurniawan, arief. 2007. Mengeksplorasi jenis-jenis teks bahasa inggris. Multikreasi: jakarta

[1] Webster, Teaching Reading Descriptive Text to Improve Student’s Reading Skill trough E-book on Internet,february 3th 2011, http://universityofibnkhaldunbogor-indonesia.blogspot.com, replicied on december 25th 2013

[2]Kurniawan, arief. 2007. Mmengeksplorasi jenis-jenis teks bahasa inggris. Multikreasi. Hal 22

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