Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014






            Prose is a literary work in the form of a story or essay that is not bound by certain rule. And prose is the literary thinking of the people who can develop from time to time, then prose just the ordinary language people use in everyday writing and speaking.
Prose have the element:
o   Setting                         : In the drawing-room of an upper-class village house.
o   Character                     :- framton (it seems) fainthearted, easy to believed,
 - niece (it seems) interest, care.
 -mrs. Sappleton (it seems) kind but scare off the people with her story about her family.

o   Plot                             
a.        Introduction               :  In Saki's best-known and characteristically brief vignette, set in the drawing-room of an upper-class village house, a self-possessed girl of fifteen unfolds a tale of eerie family tragedy for the highly strung visitor, who receives something of a shock.
b.        Conflict                                    : In my short story the author draw a Large French Window (it seems) horror, fearful, and dreadful because the window have anything to do with tragedy in October which out trough that window, three years ago to a day , Mrs. Sappleton husband and her two young brothers went off for their day’s shoting. They never came back.
c.          Climax                        : In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog.  It had been that dreadful wet summer and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Their bodies were never recovered. In the deepening twilight three figures were walking across the lawn towards the window, they all carried guns under their arms, and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: "I said, Bertie, why do you bound?"
d.        Falling action   : Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat; the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in his headlong retreat. A cyclist coming along the road had to run into the hedge to avoid imminent collision. "Here we are, my dear," said the bearer of the white mackintosh, coming in through the window, "fairly muddy, but most of it's dry. Who was that who bolted out as we came up?"
e.          Resolution                  : "A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel," said Mrs. Sappleton; "could only talk about his illnesses, and dashed off without a word of goodby or apology when you arrived. One would think he had seen a ghost." Romance at short notice was her speciality”.
o   Theme                         : coolnes, view of life.
o   Symbols                      :  open window, warm, bog,  shooting,  twilight, and guns.
o   Point of view              : first person
About the Author :
Hector Hugh Munro (Dec 18, 1870 - Nov 14, 1916) was a British author who published under the pen name SAKI. He was a master of the short story often compared to O. Henry and Dorothy Parker. Munro was born in Akyab Burma, December 18, 1870 and passed away in November 13, 1916 in France. The name 'Saki' is Farsi for 'cup-bearer', and is thought to be taken from either the ancient Persian poem The Rubayat of Omar Khayyam or possibly from the New World Saki monkey Pitheciidae, both being referred to in his acerbically witty and sometimes macabre stories. Munro was homosexual; but, at that time in the U.K., sexual activity between men was a crime. The Cleveland Street scandal (1889), followed by the downfall of Oscar Wilde (1895), meant that "that side of [Munro's] life had to be secret". Politically, Munro was a Tory and somewhat reactionary in his views.
His most famous work is probably The Open Window and is highly recommended reading. His body of work holds many favorites and should be explored in entirety, but he also point the reader to The Toys of Peace where parents from Edwardian England are taught a familiar lesson.
The Open Window was featured as The Short Story of the Day on Fri, Nov 30, 2012 .I take this short story  because in short story the author explain the messages to us how we measures and to do something ,how manner we to give the spirit to another people. And how view of life.

The open window Describing the coolness of the title when the start we open, we could see how beautiful pemandagan beyond, the events which is beyond. Window can also be compared as a case in which we can know everything. And windows can describe to us how we live, enjoy life, live life, and with the one window we can see what we previously know, like the proverbial book is a window of science we can conclude that there is a book we can easily find out how things outside even though we can not see it in person as well as lives the way we look to the future, how do we get to see the life that is where the functions of a window where we see new things, such as the times when we just opened the window in the morning, it is the beginning of a new life, and how we forget the past, and take it postifnya alone, and the window is able to give us a new outlook on life with coolness. As well as making the window we can see the vast all that is in this world and we should not be narrow minded about something
"My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel," said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; "in the meantime you must try and put up with me." Framton Nuttel endeavored to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come. Ussually at fifteen years old, children start to feel herself/himself to adult and don’t want to regulation. And she/he try to more independent with her/his new life. And then she/he felt right. And felt that he/she can to do something with her/himself or start to try know the other people problem like friends, family or etc and to try sympathetic.
Privately, he doubted more than ever whether these formal visits on a succession of total strangers would do much towards helping the nerve cure which he was supposed to be undergoing. A child can more to talked when we can understand him/her, what he/she want and talked carefully or patient because teenagers ussually can more emotional because he/she still labile and they difficult to communicate with people strangers. And they want to undearstood about what they did.
"I know how it will be," his sister had said when he was preparing to migrate to this rural retreat; " to draw that her sister is the woman whom to want to know about anything her brother. And she like understanda all about the characteristics hoe her brother. If he stay in this rural retreat he would fell not comfortable or not like because ussually we know how the characteristics our brother or sister.
to migrate to this rural retreat; "; "you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from mopin .this draw that ussually in village can make the bored because not consolation, quite, and then more in the night ery quite. Just like not the people. If The people never live in village he/she will boring because no to do something and it can make the people fell not comfortable or strees.   
 I shall just give you letters of introduction to all the people I know there. Some of them, as far as I can remember, were quite nice." Based on the sentences draw as a family of course we have love and care for hel our family although only little and that anything. and ( window) open our eye that we needed the other people to helped. And how we can enjoy to lie with the other people especially our family.
 "Then you know practically nothing about my aunt?" pursued the self-possessed young lady. How does the soul of a young boy who wants to know about everything that made him curious and want to know everything new thing, in many ways he is trying to find information.
Tragedy,, If you heard the word tragedy we will definitely think about events in the past that if it has meaning and makes people who experienced or heard the story again and be reminded of the tragedy that usually indicates a bad incident experienced by a person or people who can make a story or The moment is remembered for leaving all the bitter memories that never happened
  "It is quite warm for the time of the year," said Framton; "but has that window got anything to do with the tragedy?"  in this sentence we can see "warm", "window" and "tragedy" was the third highly related in a warm atmosphere or in warm conditions or situations because remembering a tragedy or incident and a bitter moment all the events we remember and can begin we turn back in our memories because of the window that opened the way for us and also gives a window when we feel tired coolness and warmth that hit us or we can refresh our sejukan back with fond memories or with existing coolness through the window The. And in the story suggests that the window to witness the tragedy. maybe every terrible tragedy that struck us make us feel sad, alone and probably cry and behind it all there must be a coolness, a new pealajaran about life and that's how we learn to mendewaskan ourselves, just as how and what we should act.
Warm, illustrates that something can happen at any time, the original atmosphere of a warm, safe, cool, and comfortable can be changed for the worse unexpectedly. That we can not deny it could also happen in our lives.
has that window got anything to do with the tragedy in the sentence that window is a witness of what happened, where the usual place mrs.Sappleton ordinary families through after home hunting. How does it describe any window events occurring around the scene. The window had been the idea of ​​how much things can tertjadi if we could look into a bigger scope.
Shooting, shooted in this sentences draws about custom the man to release all of the tired or bored with activies they do. And to got satisfaction with his hobbies.
engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog, It had been that dreadful wet summer, you know, and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Based on this we can say (bog) we must be careful in doing something, do not be careless, because what we think is good is not necessarily going to lead us in the good anyway, so what was the life we ​​live is not always run smoothly there obstacles, dangers, and trials that we get and we need to take and can be overcome and resolved by good roads. If we had already fallen into a bad state that it is difficult for us to escape from it could even be due to carelessness that we did we would not even be able to enjoy the real life or in a good way. And we will be forever till the end of life we ​​fall into the trap or the scope. And sometimes bad things that happen to us it comes unexpectedly, no matter what the medium, are where, and to whom, and no cue or signal is given, can be when we work, sleep, eat, or whatever it is, if he (accident / incident) that wants to come he must come. If he had come of it all we can not avoid. And we have to learn from a mistake that become better person.
Their bodies were never recovered. In the sentences the author draw to us that we can see  that all the life certainly there are death, all of this draw to us that we life only temporary in the world. There a moment we can happy and enjoy in the world and if the death come only live our name who can remember. And we cannot know how long we can life the world.
They've been out for snipe in the marshes today, so they'll make a fine mess over my poor carpets. So like you menfolk, isn't it?"  we know that the man not too pay attention for cleaner. He always put things not the place. Always do everything whithout pay attention the cleaner. Contaminate the floor with dirty foot their. And those they draw too how the man ussualy did to contaminate the house.
She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the winter. In this sentences draw if we love to do something we will explain  about that with happily and always to talking  everything be repeated . and always to felt  be happily if it we remember and become memorian in our mind.
"No?" said Mrs. Sappleton, in a voice which only replaced a yawn at the last moment. Then she suddenly brightened into alert attention--but not to what Framton was saying.
This sentences draws if we something bad or have the bad experience about the human who our love, so we ceratin too remember how the tragedy happenned, why happenned and those the window become our room to see or remember or to do something. And then to imaginated about something.
Twilight, in this story draws ussually if the twilight come so we must close the window and the symbols that they is endedand changing day become night. Then how twilight ussually too ended all of the activities we did and outdoor.  And ussually in Java if after twilight the children not probably to do activities outdoor because not good.
Romance at short notice was her speciality.  We know that the romance  not only we got moment together and long time. in fast time we can got the romance because romance not only give the flower , candle light dinner, or said the praise word. In those sentences give the other situation and prove that romance not with it.  And what we did we can make the romantic situation, make the story which can make our partner believe what we say and fun or happily. This is can the key that either the human have the other manner to extend felt romance. Not focus about something only about we and partner.

In this story we can take the conclusion that
Window is a symbol of coolness and beauty. Where we start a new day with the windows open. We can see everything, sights, events, beauty and other things that both the new and the things that we often see. Window can be described as how we perceive things or about the way we look at life, with a wide window we can see the life beyond.
Humans have a phase of life, ranging from toddlers, children, teens, adults, parents, after that we will find that the latter is death. We're just an ordinary human. Every life there must be obstacles, trials, events, be it bad or good that we will experience. Each of the trials and obstacles it will also teach us how to be adults, how to be a better person, how to respect others. And therefore we do not need menghidndari any problem, because the more we avoid the more problems will arise because we have never attempted to resolve. Enjoy and live the one life for what it is. As the provision of our eternal life squad.
And  We know that the romance  not only we got moment together and long time. in fast time we can got the romance because romance not only give the flower , candle light dinner, or said the praise word. In those sentences give the other situation and prove that romance not with it.  And what we did we can make the romantic situation, make the story which can make our partner believe what we say and fun or happily. This is can the key that either the human have the other manner to extend felt romance. Not focus about something only about we and partner.

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