Sabtu, 26 April 2014



A.                     INTRODUCTION
 Language is one of the most important elements in our life because it connects people in the whole world. This statement supported by Fromkin (1988: 4) states that language is much more than speech. It means language can be used by people in written language to convey messages or information[1]
Language connects people through communication because communication is the way how people socialize with each other. When we communicate with each other, sometimes we do not understand what the speaker means or the speaker’s meaning is different from what we understand. Because of that, there is a study that enables us to analyze the speaker’s meaning. The study itself is called Pragmatics. According to Yule (1996:1) says that “pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistics form and the users of those form”.  And the one of kinds in pragmatics is presupposition.
As we know that the people often to do presupposition expressly or not. Because , the human always want to hope something else what they have or they do not know clearly what the other people do or said. Besides that, the topic what the speakers say just know by the speaker and the listener can presupposition what the speaker said.
In this paper the writer would like to focus on analyze about presupposition in novel because of some reason : firstly, this topic needed to be analyzed in order to get a good understanding between the speaker and the listener to reach a succes communication between them. The listener should first understand to presupposition from utterances of the speaker. Secondly, presupposition or assumption is everything that speaker wants to do before saying. Thirdly,Sad Cypress novel have interesting story and have used presupposition in the story. Finally, the writer hopes this paper will give contribution relationed to the study of presupposition. Based on expalanation above , in this paper the writer analyzes of   presupposition used in novel Sad Cypress.
B.                      LITERATURE
There are some definition of the concept of presupposition which were noted some theories and researches , they are following:
o          George Yule
A presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance. Speakers, not sentences , have presupposition. And presuposition is treated as a relationship between two preposition. Besides that, yule also define presupposition into six they are Existential, Factive, Lexical, Structural, counterfactual, and Non factive presupposition.
1. Existential presupposition:
It is the assumption of the existence of the entities named by the speaker. For example, when a speaker says "Sean’s car is new", we can presuppose that Tom exists and that he has a car, also when someone says “Anni’s dog is cute”, we can presuppose that Anni exists and she has a dog.
2. Factive presupposition
It is the assumption that something is true due to the presence of some verbs such as "know" and "realize" and of phrases involving glad, for example. Thus, when a speaker says that she didn’t realize someone was ill, we can presuppose that someone is ill. Also, when she says "I’m glad it’s over”, we can presuppose that it’s over.
3. Lexical presupposition
It is the assumption that, in using one word, the speaker can act as if another meaning (word) will be understood.
For instance:
Joan stopped running. (>>He used to run.)
You are late again. (>> You were late before.)
In this case, the use of the expressions "stop" and "again" are taken to presuppose another (unstated) concept.
4. Structural presupposition
It is the assumption associated with the use of certain words and phrases. For example, wh-question in English are conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that the information after the wh-form (e.g. when and where) is already known to be the case.
For examples:
When did she travel to the India? ( >> she traveled)
Where did you buy the book? (>> you bought the book)
The listener perceives that the information presented is necessarily true rather than just the presupposition of the person asking the question.
5. Non- factive presupposition
It is an assumption that something is not true. For example, verbs like "dream", "imagine" and "pretend" are used with the presupposition that what follows is not true.
For examples:
I dreamed that I was rich. (>> I am not rich)
We imagined that we were in Makassar. (>> We are not in London)
6. Counterfactual presupposition
It is the assumption that what is presupposed is not only untrue, but is the opposite of what is true, or contrary to facts. For instance, some conditional structures, generally called counterfactual conditionals, presuppose that the information, in the if- clauses, is not true at the time of utterance.
For example: If you were my son, I would not allow you to do this. (> you are not my daughter).
o          According to Eriyanto (2001)
 presupposition is proposition received text  writer which  is ready  to be placed in organization of text  in a whole. Word "remember", "know", "we  all   know",  are   examples  of   presupposition.
sentence: "as  we know, Gus Dur  ... etc", it presupposes there  is another text  to what was  said  is true. Presupposition usuall occurs but the journalists do not it,  and  it  is accepted to  be  true.  Proposition can  also  appear by  accepted me without knowing whether it is true  or  not.  However, presupposition does not before event, even  comes before valuation is given to the events, something what taken for  granted, so  it  can  manipulate an  event because it is always connec such  presupposition. (p. 311)[2]
o          Huckin (1997)
in Critical Discourse Analysis stated that Presupposition is  the  use   of  language in  a  way   that   appears  certain ideas for  granted, as  if  there were no  alternative. example of this  at the text  level  would be an advertisement that a product in such  glowing terms that  the product appears to have no (p.82) He explained more that Presupposition can  also  occur at  the  sentence level.  If  a politician. "We cannot continue imposing high  taxes on  the  American peopl or  she  is  presupposing that  the  taxes Americans pay  are  "high" (makes good political rhetoric but  is  not  true,  at  least  not  comparison other industrialized nations). Such presuppositions are  quite commonly.[3]
So, we can conclude that presupposition is what the listener presuppose based on the speaker say.

C.                     DISCUSSION
In this paper, the file were taken  in novel Aghata Christie. The file were analyzed by classifying the presupposition in  each type and then the writer found the presupposition that is intended in the utterance by anlyzing the utteraces and considering the context that causes this presupposition. Here the writer coollected data in Novel Aghta Cristrie.
Furthermore, the analyzed dialogue is presented clearly below based on the type of presupposition on Yule theory (1996):
o          Existensial Presupposition:
Elinor Carlisle : I make Sandwhich . do you want to eat with me ? (P.125)
Hopkins : Oh, miss Carlisle. You are very kind.
We can presuppose that Elinor Carlisle has Sandwich.
This conversation happens when Elinor clean away her aunt (Laura) and Hopkins  with Marry clean away  her (Marry) parents cottage which in near house Laura.
o          Factive Presupposition
Mr. Seddon : ah! It isn’t odd that she not made a will . her diases  more make her confunsed. (P.76) 
We can presuppose that “ not made a will” . this sentences happens when Elinor and Roddy question about testament from their Aunt (Laura).
v     Lexical Presupposition
Hopkins:            do you want to tea more? (P.30)
O’ Brien :           thank you, of course.
(>> they were drink a tea before)
In this case, the use of the expressions “more” are taken to pressupose another concept. This dialoge happens when hopkins and O’Brien talking about the differences beauty Elinor Carlisle and Marry Gerrard in they time rest.
v     Structural Presupposition
Poirot                 : why you give more attention for that girls ?
Hopkins             : emm,,, I don’t  know.
(>> you give more attention for that girls) this conversation happens when Poirot want to introgation Hopkins because Marry died.

v     Counterfactual Presupposition
Elinor                 :If Marry Gerrard died, I can certain with Roddy (P.119) (>Marry Gerrard not die)
From the conversation in finding, the writer has found five types of presupposition in novel (Sad Cypress) . they are Existensial, factive, Lexical ,structural, and Counterfactual presupposition.

D.                     CONCLUSSION
Presupposition is the study of pragmatic which discuss about what the speaker meaning based on the context.  As a kind of pragmatics study , presupposition in novel is one of interesting to discuss,because this  topic able to make see the presupposition in different way. And ussualy, presupposition often found in ommunication between two or more person. in this paper the writer only found five types presupposition based on the novel Sad Cypress.
The writer hopes this paper can usefull to the reader and easy to understand about presupposition.

v  Webster, an annalysis presupposition used in novel harry potter,  replicied on december, 25th 2013
v  Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatic.pustaka pelajar:Bandung
v  Webster, analysis of types of presupposition used in the editorial articles of the Jakarta Post newspaper, february 2008,, replicied on Desember,30th 2013.

[1] Webster, an annalysis presupposition used in novel harry potter,  replicied on december, 25th 2013
[2] Webster, analysis of types of presupposition used in the editorial articles of the Jakarta Post newspaper, february 2008,, replicied on Desember,30th 2013.
[3] Webster, analysis of types of presupposition used in the editorial articles of the Jakarta Post newspaper, february 2008,, replicied on Desember,30th 2013. 

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